Refined Data

Refined Training Learning Management System: Powerful Training ... Delivered!

Refined Data’s flagship product, Refined Training, is a world leading integrated Learning Management Platform. Refined Training seamlessly integrates Adobe Connect and Moodle to provide live instructor led training and self paced learning on a single platform. For organizations looking to train their employees using web cameras, video, written materials, social media and live virtual classrooms, Refined Training delivers a flexible, robust and secure platform at a very affordable price. Unlike competitive systems, Refined Training is easy to adopt and is flexible enough to evolve with your changing needs your organization grows. Click here to see how Refined Training can make a difference for you.

Custom Pods for Adobe Connect: If you can Dream it, we can Build it!

We work so closely at the heart of Adobe Connect that we are now recognized as the leading experts on custom pods for Connect. We have built world class applications like Fast Track, Talking Stick, rPhone and Footprints that extend Adobe Connect to take web conferencing to the next level.

We also build custom Pods for Fortune 50 Companies, Academic Institutions and Government Agencies. Our mantra is “If you can Dream it, we can Build it.” If you have a vision you want to implement in Connect — Call Tactical Digital and we’ll jump on a web meeting and explore what’s possible.

©2020 Tactical Digital Corp. A Wish Collaboration company.